Are You Ready To Reclaim Your Voice And Establish Healthy Relationships? Enroll Now!

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Is This You?

☑️  "I am exhausted from dealing with difficult people."

☑️  "I am so angry at being constantly disrespected."

☑️  "I have a hard time saying no."

☑️  "I am tired of people not doing what I ask of them."


 "This course has given me the tools to effectively set boundaries in my personal life without feeling guilty." ~ Courtlyn W.

Free-2-Set Boundaries Online Course 

A comprehensive online course for faith-based business and at-home women who want to reclaim their voice and establish healthy relationships.



Free-2-Set Boundaries Online Course

$250.00 ($497 Value)

Sign up now to get started.


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What You Will Learn

🔵 How to prepare and feel confident in boundary setting.

🔵 The 6 myths people believe about setting boundaries.

🔵 How to identify obstacles and overcome them.

🔵 Why boundaries are important.

🔵 Action steps to set healthy boundaries.

🔵 What to do when people do not honor your boundary.

🔵 Consequences and how to choose them.

🔵 Techniques in communicating your boundaries.

Yes, Enroll Me Now Please!

Learn at your own pace in the convenience of your home. Twelve bite-size (15-20 min.) videos. 

Take A Deeper Look Inside.

Session One

Biblical Life Principle -  The Bible and Boundaries.

Answers to the most asked questions when starting out.

Why have boundaries?

What are boundaries?

What are boundaries not?

Session Two

Boundaries that are too rigid.

Boundaries that are too loose.

How to know if a boundary needs to be put in place.

Hints in beginning the process of setting boundaries.


Session Three

Steps for boundary setting.

You and other people's boundaries.

Anger and boundaries.

Reactions to people crossing our boundaries.

What to do when people do not respect your boundaries.

Session Four

What are natural consequences and how can they help you?

How to make consequences work for you.

Why consequences can be the hardest part in setting boundaries.

Keep this thought in your mind when setting and communicating your boundary.

Bonus Sessions

Listen to the hearts and experiences of women who are learning to set boundaries.

Three bonus videos to help you know you are not alone in what you feel and are dealing with.

Discussing the difficulty in setting boundaries.

Reasons why we feel like we have to explain or justify our boundaries.

Dealing with people who overstep your boundaries.

Anger and boundaries

Know who you are dealing with.

The joy in being with people who respect you and you don't feel the need to have boundaries.

Pam's personal experience with setting boundaries.

Consequences and giving others a choice.

Fill-in Sheets


Fill-in pages to keep you focused and on track.

Actively engage with each topic by listening and then summarizing what you hear, so you understand and remember the information later.

Yes, I Need This! Enroll Me Now Please.

A Message For You!


Welcome. I am Pam McCloskey, also known as Coach Pamskey. 

I created this course with you in mind. Why? Because I know what lacking boundaries do to people. They feel exhausted, unappreciated, pushed around, and hopeless. That was me! I had no boundary-setting skills. People walked all over me and treated me any way they wanted because I did not have one ounce of self-respect or self-worth. The crazy thing was that most people around me were not good examples of boundary setting because they lacked them as well. I hit that point of an all-time low. It was either I learn to do something different, or I end it all by taking my life. I pray you are not at that point. 

In my desperation, I reached out for help and did all I could to learn what needed to change in my life. It was then I discovered tools, truths and action steps that helped change my ability to set and enforce boundaries. Did I have obstacles to overcome? Oh yes! Most of them were laced with fear and believing untruths. Here is the thing, the more I pushed myself to take that next small step, the more peace and freedom I felt. Those were two feelings I was not familiar with but enjoyed experiencing. I was moved to keep going.

Today, I have a voice. I can say no if I choose without feeling guilty and I have learned to respect myself. Working with women for over twenty years has loudly revealed the importance of having a comprehensive boundaries course to guide and encourage. Every day I work with women who struggle and suffer because they don’t know how to set boundaries. Most of them will admit they need them, but don’t know where to start or are too afraid to do so. Free-2-Set Boundaries is changing their lives. It is giving them action steps to create healthy relationships and helping them to reclaim their life.

You can be one of them. Enroll today to start your own journey of peace and freedom. 

Pam McCloskey

Tricia Patterson

I was self-destructive, had low self-worth, and was overly responsible.

I felt like I had to fix everyone’s problems. I tried to control other people, including how they felt. I also took things too personally.

Free-2-Set Boundaries increased my self-worth tremendously. I have learned to say no without feeling guilty and I learned to pause and reflect instead of immediately trying to fix others' problems.

Attending Free-2-Set Boundaries has given me the ability to look within and trust God’s plan for my life instead of always seeking validation and approval from others.

This course will help bring peace and calmness to your life. It will help you be more mindful and less reactive, giving you the ability to live in the present.

Courtlyn Whaley

Before attending Free-2- Set Boundaries, I had a poor ability to set boundaries which kept me in the cycle of people-pleasing. After this course, I was able to set boundaries with my family and friends over a personal decision I made during the holiday season. Free-2-Set Boundaries gave me the courage to be true to my conviction and hold to my boundary. If you want healthy, long-lasting relationships, this course is for you.

Jill Ohearn

Before this course, I tended to say yes even when I was overloaded with my own responsibilities. I often put people's needs before my own. I also had unrealistic expectations for others and myself. I had always struggled with setting boundaries because I don’t like conflict. I use to doubt my decisions which took away my power.

Free-2-Set Boundaries has given me back my power. I have learned I am allowed to say no. My relationship with my Mom has changed for the better. I always felt like I couldn’t say no to her because I was raised in a home where you did what you were told. My relationship with her is healthier now. I have set some boundaries with her and though, she doesn’t always like it, she is accepting it with less manipulation. 

Through Pam’s teaching and God’s help, I am learning to follow His will for my life. Living one day at a time.

I highly recommend you go through this course. Come with an open heart. The benefits you will reap are worth it. 


Free-2-Set Boundaries Online Course

$250.00 ($497 Value)

Sign up now to get started.


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