Pam McCloskey’s "His Spoken Word Over You" is a twenty-seven-page workbook that walks you through the precise steps needed to discover your word for the year. One divine word can help direct you in your decision-making and focus on what is important. Pamskey’s workbook aids in growing your relationship with yourself, God and others.
Through self-reflection questions you will be able to watch how God uses your word throughout the year to show you a glimpse of how big and powerful He is in your life, You also receive the "Milestones To Aspirations workbook as a bonus. This beautiful eight-page workbook is powerful in helping you become aware and reflect on what the past year has offered you and how God has shown up.
The questions provided will guide you into anticipation of what God may have in store for you, building hope and inner excitement.
Both workbooks will make a great addition to your morning time with God.